Tuesday 10 September 2013

IF: Hidden

IF: Hidden
Well it's been a very long time since I managed to find the time to post anything for Illustration Friday, been super busy with new books.  Anyway here is my image for the hidden topic.  Hope you like the new style I'm developing. 

Saturday 16 June 2012

IF: Secret

Mole had been waiting in secret to suprise Rabbit with a Christmas present!  Thank you one and all for all of your comments on last weeks post.  It's wonderful to be welcomed back to Illustration Friday with such lovely words.

Friday 8 June 2012


What a very shiny helmet this little Viking lad has, and I'll bet that there's some shiny treasure in that chest too.  If only he could get into it.  This  post is especially for Cindy D. Sorry I've been away for so long I've been super busy working on a new story with my wonderful new agent! Hopefully some lovely publisher will want to turn it into a book.  I'll keep you posted. 

Sunday 15 April 2012

IF: Puzzled

The topic this week let me create an image that followed on straight from my last post. My little Mole had been puzzled about what the spooky noise had been that was keeping him and his teddies awake. Turns out it was just his curtains flapping in the breeze. Phew! what a relief. It's great to be back after the Easter break and I can't wait to see what everyone else has made of this weeks topic!

Tuesday 20 March 2012

IF: Shades

Things can appear strange at night with the light from your bedside lamp painting your room in different shades. It makes things very soopky if you have to go and investigate noises because your toys are scared. This is one brave little Mole in my opinion! Thank you to everyone who commented on last weeks picture, you inspire me to keep creating!

Saturday 10 March 2012

IF: Yield

Poor old Ralf, I was always a bit like this if my little sister ever beat me! Thank you to everyone for such lovely comments on last weeks image you're all so wonderful.

Monday 5 March 2012

IF: intention

I think it's pretty clear what Little Ralf Rabbit's intention is here. Hee Hee. I do love cookies so I can understand