Saturday, 10 March 2012

IF: Yield

Poor old Ralf, I was always a bit like this if my little sister ever beat me! Thank you to everyone for such lovely comments on last weeks image you're all so wonderful.


  1. Poor Ralph. Losing is never a good thing. I see it in my five year old every day. Fantastic drawing. Love rabbits, they're always cute :)

  2. Haha, poor Ralph indeed. But how you can get mad at that insanely adorable bunny with her cute little bear and pink dress? Seriously, I don't know if it's her big nose or her guileless smile, but she may be the cutest thing I've ever seen on this blog!

  3. ralph found his 'huff' and he's leavin' in it! hurumph!

  4. love your characters! Great use of the word! Well done! :D

  5. Great expression!
    My kids seem to argue a lot over board games too.
    I rather send them outside to play.

  6. Cute!Love his angry ears, all bent down...

  7. cute, love the expressions and attitudes :)

  8. WONDERFUL expression!! And great storytelling here! I love your characters & look forward to your posts each week!
