Saturday, 16 June 2012

IF: Secret

Mole had been waiting in secret to suprise Rabbit with a Christmas present!  Thank you one and all for all of your comments on last weeks post.  It's wonderful to be welcomed back to Illustration Friday with such lovely words.


  1. What beautiful shadows! This feels so wintery and yet cheerful! I like how the trees are all leaning in to see what the present will be!

  2. We are just one big happy family here at IF. Gifts are always the hardest secret to keep.

  3. Awww! I just love Mole's hat! They are just too cute. Rabbit's expression means the surprise was worth it... but what's in the box!?

  4. This is really really beautiful and your style is awesome! <3

  5. Love the characters! Really sweet :)

  6. Mole must have been awfully good at keeping secrets because boy does rabbit look surprised and delighted! Great expressions! As always, precious characters and a magical scene!

  7. Hi again! Hope your December is going well! (Boy, am I a pest or what? ;P

  8. found your blog through other artist's blog. The way telling stories through your illustration is really inspiring!
